
PHP Enumerations and Drupal List Fields


PHP 8.1 introduced a new data model, Enumerations. Enumerations allow for the creation of custom data models that can only contain a fixed set of allowed values. These enumerations can be very useful when working with Drupal list fields, which are a field type that allows for selection from a predefined set of values. As both enumerations and list field contain a predefined set of values, using Enumerations to back Drupal list field makes for more stable code that is easier to understand, and less likely to fail. 

Custom Access on Views Blocks in Drupal


Views in Drupal are an excellent way to create blocks to be displayed on the page. Views comes with the ability to set access based on a permission through the UI, however sometimes a more customized set of access rules is required, rather than just a single permission. In this tutorial, two approaches will be looked at to provide custom access to a Drupal Views block.


The scenario being looked at for this tutorial is as follows:

Drupal Form API - Ajax form and results on the same page


Often in Drupal, projects will come with the requirement to have a form and results on the same page. There are various ways this can be done with views, but sometimes requirements call for a custom solution when views does not fit the bill.

This tutorial will explain how to build an (optionally) Ajax-enabled form in Drupal OOP (version 8+) using the Form API, that loads the results of the form submission into a div on the same page.

Drupal 7 - Ajaxify a form in a popup


In Drupal 7, it's often beneficial to put various forms into Ajax popups, to create a nice user experience. In this tutorial, we will take Drupal's core-provided password reset form, customize it, and put it in a popup so that when users click the 'forgot password' link, this popup pops up, and allows them to reset their password on the same page. After a sucessful submission, the popup will be hidden and the user will be back on the same page they were on.

This tutorial will show how to do the following:

Drupal: Extending Core Configuration, Extending Core Forms, and Overriding Core Routes


When working with Drupal, sometimes we will want to do things like extending the configuration of core or another module, extending a form provided by core or another module, and/or overriding forms on a route. At Jaypan, we recently came across a situation like this, where we needed to add a new field to the site for site description, to be used in structured data (aka RDF) for the site we were building. This needed to be a global field, so the most natural place to set the value for the field was on the basic site settings page, located at /admin/config/system/site-information.

In this tutorial, we will explain the method we used to achieve this functionality, going over the given steps, with an explanation of what is happening along the way.

Embedded audio player with externally hosted files on Drupal


Hosting audio files on a Drupal site can turn into a costly process, between the costs to host the files, as well as the bandwidth costs if the files are listened to regularly. In order to keep costs down, hosting the files on an external service, such as Dropbox, is a preferable alternative. However, as the files are not hosted on the same server as Drupal, it takes a little additional work to get this working, that at the time of writing cannot be done purely with modules.

High Performance JavaScript using Drupal 7's JavaScript API


In today's web, JavaScript is an essential component of any nice, easy to use website. However, while the basics of JavaScript can be easy to learn, it can be hard to know whether the scripts you are writing are heavy, causing page lag, and making for longer load times.

Drupal comes with an excellent JavaScript API, allowing for the creation of high-performance applications, but it can be confusing to know exactly how to effectively use the API.

Advanced AJAX enabled multi-step forms: creating and altering Drupal entities in custom forms (aka: Wizard forms)


Sometimes we need to create custom Drupal forms to create or update Drupal Entities, in a different manner than the default forms that we are provided with. In this tutorial, we will look at creating a form 'wizard', that allows a user to create or edit two nodes in a single form.

Drupal 7 - change keyboard types for mobile devices


With HTML5 comes new <input/> types, which allow for different keyboards on mobile, improving the mobile user experience. However, Drupal by default does not allow for the changing of <input/> types to these new HTML5 types. This tutorial will show how to set up your system to allow for custom input types to be set on any text element.

This tutorial will cover two main steps: